Jay Gray graduated from Oregon State University with a major emphasis in Religious Studies. He obtained his Masters Degree from Yale Divinity School.
Following his senior year at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, he traveled to India where he met and practiced under the personal guidance of S.N. Goenka in 1971. Through the years he attended many 10, 20, and 30 day Vipassana courses as taught by Goenkaji.
He traveled to Thailand in 2009 and spent 60 days in meditation learning a different form of Burmese Vipassana meditation at Wat Dhammajak in Nakhon Nayok province.
After raising his three children as a single dad and caring for his mother for the last fourteen years of her life, dying at age 105, he returned to Thailand in 2014 for about 5 years of intensive and nearly continuous meditation including one and a half years of solitary meditation in a cave and one and a half years in a forest monastery “Wat Pa Phu Mai How” practicing the Thai Forest Monk tradition with his teacher, Master Phra Ajahn Kanchit Suthijitto.
In 2022 he returned to Thailand where he met Master Luangta Narongsak Kheenalayo at Buddha Dhamma Satharn Panjakiri where he continued to deepen his practice in the tradition of Phra Ajahn Mun and his various Master disciples line of instruction.
He now brings these traditions of Theravada Buddhism and the lineage of Phra Ajahn Mun, and his many contemporary monks, to North America as a lay disciple and with the express support and endorsement of both Master Phra Ajahn Kanchit Suthijitto and Master Luangta Narongsak Kheenalayo.